makeSEA News

Trade Show Alternative

Is your tradeshow game plan caput because of COVID? Ours is! It's OK: use makeSEA and MagicLeap for Trade Shows and Exhibits to put your full-scale booth — that you host live and your customers can literally walk through and around — directly in their laps for the cost of shipping a laptop.

This is not the trade-show VR you have seen pop up recently: An entirely new class of mixedreality technology lets you present experiences too expensive or too large to produce in the real world at a fraction of the cost, and meet with your customers "holodeck-style" — as if in the same physical space together, from the comfort of their location of choice with no travel or in person meeting. Updating content is as easy as a social media post. Remote demonstration is more relevant than ever — making it feel like the real world is priceless!

Learn more here. Or contact us by calling 800-803-1050 or email us for more information or to set up a FREE demonstration.

Free makeSEA Account & Catapult App

makeSEA user accounts and Catapult for spatial computing have always been free. Covid-19 is changing the way we work, collaborate, interact and learn forever. It is accelerating the shift to new ways of teaching, training, collaborating and servicing.

The makeSEA Catapult App and Magic Leap technology make it easy to move from the traditional workplace or classroom to a virtual platform that supports a collaborative, immersive environment where anyone, anywhere can interact in the same space. The makeSEA Catapult App is the fastest way to publish user-generated content and collaborate using Magic Leap spatial computing.

Learn more here. Or call 800-803-1050 or CONTACT US for more information or to set up a FREE demonstration.

Where Do We Go from Here?

I think we all have to accept that part of today's normal will become the "new" normal. At any time, another pandemic or other crisis can and probably will affect the way we teach, learn, collaborate and do business. So where do we go from here? Rather than face a process bottleneck in the future, educational institutions and businesses need to find ways to adapt and be prepared for change, now.

Distributing and collaborating on assets, both internally and externally, whether working together or remotely, are problems that are currently solvable. makeSEA is changing the way we document and share content. Rather than simply sharing documents on-screen, makeSEA let’s users co-experience spatial content at any scale — as if it is part of the real world. This works for users in the same physical location, or a remote location. makeSEA is specifically designed to enable users to use the content they are already generating in a completely new and disruptive way.

The makeSEA Catapult App and Magic Leap technology make it easy to move from the traditional workplace or classroom to a virtual platform that supports a collaborative, immersive environment where anyone, anywhere can interact in the same space. The makeSEA Catapult App is the fastest way to publish user-generated content and collaborate using Magic Leap spatial computing. Learn more here.

Call 800-803-1050 or CONTACT US for more information or to set up a FREE demonstration.

Doing our part to help with local PPE

Doing our part to help with local PPE needs using hashtagmakeSEA hashtagCatapult and hashtagMagicLeap for rapid iteration and visualization on 3D printed designs including face masks. makeSEA makes it easy to check designs for fit and flaws before wasting hours printing mistakes. You can, too. Get started today for free at

Additive Manufacturing, AR and COVID-19

The global manufacturing industry is reeling from the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak. The mega-factories we rely on are experiencing shortages of personnel and raw materials for production. With the shortages of basic medical products like PPEs and respirators, it’s evident that manufacturing plays an important role in battling this virus and future pandemics. So where does industrial 3D printing, also know as additive manufacturing (AM), fit into the manufacturing ecosystem? And what benefits can the AM industry provide?

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, additive manufacturing is defined as the process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methods. Right now, we are seeing many 3D printing businesses step up to the plate to provide masks and respirators to personnel on the front lines. The additive manufacturing process provides the ability to produce on-demand and the flexibility to rapidly adapt and change—for instance, change a design to meet a current need. This can all be done without retooling a factory, cutting time and costs.

With the use of 3D model data, designers can adapt, customize and simplify designs. And with the use of augmented reality/spatial computing, design teams can collaborate on design changes from anywhere—whether they are in the same room or working remotely. Experts are already predicting that the office of the future will include more remote collaboration.

Interested in planning for the future? makeSEA is an intellectual property capture platform combined with the worlds most accessible AR content publishing and collaboration suite. makeSEA provides a project-based workflow to store evolving content relating to any subject matter, including a living document repository that tracks all contributions and changes over time for attribution. It is ideal for documenting everything from school projects, to architecture and design, creative arts, trade shows and branding, technical designs, and real-world scans at any scale —the applications are widespread. Catapult is the companion application to makeSEA. The Catapult App enables AR visualization and collaboration between Magic Leap (AR) users.

Sign up for a free makeSEA account. With the addition of the makeSEA Catapult App, found on Magic Leap World, you can share and collaborate with anyone, anywhere. Learn more here.

Call 800-803-1050 or CONTACT US for more information or to set up a FREE demonstration.

Adapting to the New Normal

We are entering a new era. Whether you are a business, in the education field or just looking for ways to communicate safely, we are being forced to accept that we all need to find ways to collaborate, create and produce while working remotely with teams or individuals. This will require adapting to and adopting new technologies in order to survive.

the makeSEA Catapult App and Magic Leap technology make it easy to move from the traditional workplace to a virtual platform that supports a collaborative, immersive environment where anyone, anywhere can interact in the same space. The makeSEA Catapult App is the fastest way to publish user-generated content and collaborate using Magic Leap spatial computing. Learn more here.

Call 800-803-1050 or CONTACT US for more information or to set up a FREE demonstration.


Feeling Like a Fish Out of Water

During this time of uncertainty, we're all feeling a little like a fish out of water. Looking for new ways to conduct business, educate and train, share information and collaborate with others? Check out the makeSEA Catapult App for Magic Leap.

Call 800-803-1050 or CONTACT US for more information or to set up a free demo.

Look to the Future with Spatial Computing

Now more than ever we need to think about keeping organizations running smoothly in a crisis. We are all being challenged and forced to look at the future. Businesses, educational institutions and even individuals will need to find ways to stay connected and to facilitate communication and collaboration from anywhere.

Thanks to makeSEA and Catapult, no matter where you are, or where they are, communicate and collaborate with others—such as remote employees, colleagues or clients—as if you were all in the same space. Share your vision with Catapult, in real-time, together. Don't just tell them what you envision, show them! Catapult is the fastest way to publish user-generated content and collaborate using Magic Leap spatial computing. Get the full details here.

We'd love to show you more. Call 800-803-1050 or CONTACT US for more information or to set up a FREE demonstration.

Use Catapult for Forensic Visualization

What can you do with makeSEA and Catapult for Magic Leap? How about forensic visualization.

Imagine being able to securely convert and deliver forensic scans data to full-scale immersive experiences using game-changing augmented reality. Or physically walking through and inside a life-sized crime scene using scans you capture with your existing methods and equipment.

You can view crime scenes, with multiple users in the same location or remotely, at full-scale or any scale and experience scenes live.

Pre-record and narrate walk-throughs of the scene, retroactively, for better explanation and easy distribution. Enhance scene content with interactive highlights, markers, animations and embedded resources including security cam footage.

We'd love to show you more. Call 800-803-1050 or CONTACT US for more information or to set up a free demo.



makeSEA is More

makeSEA is busy printing masks to help with the Coronavirus crisis. makeSEA's core value starting out was to support independent 3D designers, maker spaces and education with a platform that provided a 3D project library to store, organize, version, and share 3D print designs and supporting collateral.

makeSEA is now so much more. We've evolved!

It's time to change the way you think about communicating, teaching, and design. Time to change the way you capture and curate evolving ideas. Use makeSEA + Catapult and Magic Leap spatial collaboration to share your vision and inspire your audience with content that you create. Find out how HERE.

Call 800-803-1050 or CONTACT US for more information or to set up a free demo.



— 10 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 10 of 46 results.

Community Projects

Chris' Office iPhone Scan Test

Click here to edit your project summary.  You can include inline images if you prefer.

makeScene Multi-Experience Demo

A multi-experience demo of makeScene publishing capabilitites originally built for AES 2022 in San Diego, CA.  This experience is designed for use on Magic Leap 2.

Spatula Collection Version B with Teeth

This collection mimics the B Collection but with the addition of teeth for more grip! Use it as needed to mix, spread and lift materials in the kitchen, the craft room, garage... uses are endless!

Venues and Events

Testing event and venue video captures and optimization methods for best quality/performance across various XR devices.

Billy C

Click here to edit your project summary.  You can include inline images if you prefer.


3-dimensional spiral shapes.


Tetrahedral (4 faces, 3-dimensional) shapes.

Pictures and video don't convert like first-hand experience does.



Research shows that using augmented (AR), and virtual reality (VR), is more compelling and more likely to persuade your audience to buy, learn, and understand what you have to share. Use makeSEA to deliver content that connects with your audience like no other medium can.

Compel your audience with

Content Management and Cross-Platform Collaboration 
for Augmented and Virtual Reality


The fastest way to organize and share your content as if you are together with your audience in real life and keep it fresh using next-generation virtual and augmented reality technology.


Get Personal Demo Get Webinar


It's time to change the way you communicate, collaborate and compel your audience.


Time to change the way you capture and curate evolving ideas.


Use makeSEA content management platform + Catapult, our cross-platform client app for mixed reality and spatial collaboration to share your vision and inspire your audience with content that you are already producing.



10X-100X Time Savings • Recyclable Content & Scenes


Use makeSEA to reduce your AR and VR production time by an order of magnitude, or two.


Blend content from multiple sources tell a better story:  3D models, real-world scans, video, and you!

Keep things fresh and relevant and improve experiences over time as your content and XR technology mature.

Enabling augmented reality, mixed reality and spatial computing for everyday use.SM



Catapult your vision, in real-time together, for FREE.

It's as easy as a social media post:


  1. Create an account, start a project and upload your content from most any content source1.

  2. Launch Catapult, makeSEA's mixed reality client app on your VR or AR compatible device2.

  3. Share and collaborate using your own spatial content, with others together in real-time, in the same physical space and remotely.


Click Here to Get Detailed Instructions, Download and Install


Try makeSEA now! Simply register here and start publishing.


makeSEA is also available as a privately branded (white-label), or custom integrated solution for enterprise. Please Contact Us for more information.


Get Personal Demo Get Webinar



for Architecture
& Design
Magic Leap &
AR/Mixed Reality
Content Publishing
for Education
& Making


for Construction
for Trade Shows
& Exhibits
for Retail
& Branding

1:Catapult supports assets saved in GLB (preferred), FBX, OBJ, STL or MP4 (standard 720p, 1080p, or 3K 360˚ spherical surround format), or a makeScene package for live over-the-air collaboration with shared spatial content.  See the how-to guide for hints and instructions on how to easily export or convert content from most 3D authoring tools and platforms. 2:makeSEA supports Oculus Quest 2, Magic Leap 1, and Microsoft Hololens 2, makeSEA for Enterprise supports additional client devices; contact us for more information.

What Green 3D Projects would you like to see at makeSEA?

What green 3D projects would you like to see at makeSEA?

What do you use for 3D Print Object Digital Rights Management today?

What do you use for 3D Print Object Digital Rights Management today?

using the 660w motor on a bike

Hello everybody, can we use the 660w printed motor or other printed motor on a bike...

RE: using the 660w motor on a bike

Hi Virgil, Thanks for posting.  The short answer is "Yes!", that is a perfect...

RE: using the 660w motor on a bike

Thanks for your answer, i just bought a creality cr10s. I will definitely start a project...

Engine 600 is effective

I'm not sure, so ask people, what is the evaluation of the 600 engine

3D Halbach Array Brushless DC Motor.

Hello, I cannot access the drawings of the 3D Halbach array brushless dc motor. Why is that? can...